Patterns, Predictions, and Actions Live Blog


I’ll be live blogging my graduate course on machine learning this semester (Fall 2023). The course is based on the text Patterns, Predictions, and Actions by Moritz Hardt and myself.

A Table of Contents

Part I: Prediction

  1. Lecture 1: Introduction

    1. Part 1: Patterns, Predictions, and AGI

    2. Part 2: Fact, Fiction, and Forecast

    3. Part 3: We are more than players

  2. Lecture 2: What is machine learning?

    1. Rise of the Spreadsheets

  3. Lecture 3: The Perceptron

    1. Part 1: Yoshimi Battles The Perceptrons

    2. Part 2: The war of symbolic aggression

  4. Lecture 4: Optimization

    1. Part 1: 7 minute Opts

    2. Part 2: Rigor Vs. Github Descent

  5. Lecture 5: Sequential Prediction

    1. Regretfully Yours

  6. Lecture 6: Generalization

    1. Part 1: Generally speaking when god plays dice

    2. Part 2: Three paths to generalization

    3. Part 3: I don't know what I've been trying to prove

    4. Segue: Features of the foundations of machine learning

  7. Lecture 7: Features

    1. Hidden foundations

  8. Lecture 8: Nonlinear Prediction Functions

    1. The maddening nonlinear multiverse

    2. It’s not a trick…

  9. Lecture 9: Neural Networks

    1. No one knows how the brain works

    2. The Deep Optimization Cookbook

  10. Lecture 10: Generalization in Practice

    1. My Mathematical Mind

    2. Apostasy or reformation

  11. Lecture 11: Datasets

    1. The Department of Frictionless Reproducibility

    2. Revisiting Highleyman's Data

    3. The Data Winter

  12. Lecture 12: Internal and External Validity

    1. You got a 9 to 5, so I'll take the night shift

  13. Lecture 13: Elementary Policy Optimization

    1. The inductive leap

    2. A game of chance to you to him is one of real skill

    3. The fake rigor of the mighty dollar

  14. Lecture 14: Hypothesis Testing

    1. Look before you leap

  15. Lecture 15: Algorithmic Fairness

    1. Can you please everyone?

  16. Lecture 16: Randomized Controlled Experiments

    1. The impact of actions

    2. The national academy of spaghetti on the wall

  17. Lecture 17: Causal Inference

    1. Three Causal Graphs

    2. Fractions or the laws of nature?

  18. Lecture 18: Causal Inference in the Wild

    1. All published results are wrong, but some are useful

    2. We need an instrument to take a measurement

  19. Lecture 19: Stochastic Optimization and Policy Optimization

    1. Policy Phylogenesis

    2. Some simple plans

  20. Lecture 20: Regret minimization and the multi-armed bandit

    1. Extremely Online

    2. Quantifying those unknown unknowns

  21. Lecture 21: Decision making in dynamical systems

    1. Architectural Theories

    2. Integral Action

  22. Lecture 22: Algorithms for decision making in dynamical systems

    1. Greetings Professor Falken

    2. Feedback on feedback

  23. Lecture 23: Reinforcement learning

    1. Cool Kids Keep

  24. Lecture 24: Machine Learning and Computer Gameplay

    1. A Strange Game

    2. The only winning move

  25. Epilogue

    1. To do the mindblowing

    2. Yogi Berra in everything